+82-70-4024-9555 korea@itfmail.org

Regulations for individual membership

The International Taekwon-Do Federation Headquarters Korea (ITF HQ Korea) offers several membership plans for individuals and groups to meet your needs. Anyone who practices, supports, likes or identifies with ITF Taekwon-Do can become a member. Therefore, all Taekwon-Do and other Martial Arts practitioners from white to black belt, individuals, parents, family members, enthusiasts, organizations, groups, single dojangs or associations can apply for membership. Moreover, ITF HQ Korea membership programs do not restrict members from working or affiliating with any other organization and will secure our members confidentiality should the applicants not wish to be publically listed. Therefore, become a member and enjoy the broad benefits of the membership program of ITF HQ Korea in the Homeland of Taekwon-Do. The individual membership can be divided into 3 main categories:
  1. Regular membership
  2. Premium membership
  3. Lifetime membership
The category of membership determines the eligibility of candidates and their consequent voting rights, benefits and membership fee. The summary of the individual membership program is presented in Table below.  
Membership type Eligibility and documents Duration (years) Benefits
Regular member • Any individual who practices, supports, likes or identifies with ITF Taekwon-Do can become a member. Therefore, all Taekwon-Do and non-Taekwon-Do practitioners from white to black belt, individuals, parents, family members, enthusiasts can apply for this type of membership   • Regular members will receive a regular membership card with their picture, hologram mark and a unique membership number that will be maintained throughout the entire affiliation period(s) 3 • Regular members will benefit through discounted prices of some events, goods, tours and other programs organized by ITF HQ Korea and will, where possible, receive assistance in coordinating ITF activities such as competitions, certifications, tests, courses etc.   • Individual regular members will not have voting rights and so will not be able to participate in a decision making process but they benefit with discounts in various programs.   • Every regular member will receive a membership number and will have access to the information available to the regular members on the ITF HQ Korea website
Premium member • Any individual over 18 years of age who practices, supports, likes or identifies with ITF Taekwon-Do can become a member. Therefore, all Taekwon-Do and non-Taekwon-Do practitioners from white to black belt, individuals, parents, family members, enthusiasts can apply for this type of membership   • Premium members will receive a premium membership card with their picture, hologram mark and a unique membership number that will be maintained throughout the entire affiliation period(s) 3 • Premium members will benefit through greater discounted prices than the regular members from events, goods (internet shopping mall), tours and other programs organized by ITF HQ Korea and will, where possible, receive assistance in coordinating ITF activities such as competitions, certifications, tests, courses etc.   • Premium members will benefit by being eligible to participate in a decision making process since they will have voting rights allocated as one vote per member   • Each premium member will receive a membership number and will have access to the information available to premium members on the ITF HQ Korea website
Lifetime Membership • This membership holds greater prestige and will only be available to individuals over 18 years of age with outstanding achievements in practicing, supporting or promoting Taekwon-Do. They must have been premium members for at least one year. This type of membership will be granted by a specially formed committee that will assess the candidate’s achievements after previous endorsement of the candidate by a minimum of 3 members.   • Lifetime members will receive a lifetime membership card with their picture and a hologram mark with a unique membership number that will be maintained throughout the entire affiliation period 3 • Lifetime (prestigious) members will benefit with even greater discounts than regular or premium members from participation in events, purchase of goods (internet shopping mall), tours and other programs organized by the ITF HQ Korea and will, where possible, receive assistance in coordinating ITF activities such as competitions, certifications, tests, courses etc. Moreover, their profiles and pictures will be listed in a special section on the ITF HQ Korea website the “LIFETIME MEMBERS CLUB” Lifetime members will also benefit by being able to participate in a decision making process as they will have equivalent voting rights to premium members.   • Every lifetime member will receive a membership number and will have access to the information available to lifetime members on the ITF website as well as to the lifetime members club.
An undisclosed membership for those individuals and groups that support ITF HQ Korea in the homeland of Taekwon-Do but do not wish to be publically listed is available. All insignia, support, discounts and fees are the same as per individual and group membership program however, the undisclosed members will not possess voting rights as it would be impossible to protect their privacy with a transparent voting process utilizing the ITF HQ Korea website. In order to request this type of membership a tick box is available on the application form that will automatically assign the applicant to the appropriate type of the membership. A renewal reminder notice 2 months prior to the expiry date of the membership will be sent to the members. If the members renew their membership, by paying the renewal fee prior to or up to 30 days after the expiry date, the members will maintain continuity of the membership benefits and the new membership renewal date will remain unchanged. If the members do not renew membership within 30 days of the expiry date, they will lose continuity of benefits and will be required to re-commence their ITF HQ Korea membership and an additional fee may be imposed. ITF HQ Korea membership is a 3-year (36 months) plan that will commence from the date of approval and continue for a full 36 month period, expiring on the same day of the month 36 months hence. Once a membership has commenced it cannot be cancelled and refunds are not provided. However, if the applicant strongly wishes to cancel the membership, the applicant’s details will be removed from the membership list on the website but no refunds will be given for the remaining period of the membership. Since the membership is closely associated with the rank recognition procedure (please see “rank recognition procedure”), the expiry of the membership will also affect the promotion application terms. All students who join the group after the commencement of the group membership will be required to pay a pro-rata individual membership fee that will expire on the group expiry date. The fee will be based around 6monthly intervals with a minimum membership fee to cover one year’s membership.   .[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Apply for Membership” style=”gradient-custom” gradient_custom_color_2=”#1831ad” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fitfofficial.org%2F%3Fpage_id%3D1742|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]