From the Office of the President

Dear Taekwon-Do Practitioners and Friends,
July was full of both, sad and happy news and events. We lost a great friend and Taekwondo pioneer, Grandmaster Hwang Chae Pok. He passed away peacefully in his hometown of Dusseldorf in Germany. Our condolences go to his family and loved ones.
COVID continues to soar around the world and Korea is no exception where we have experienced an almost a 3-fold increase of infections when compared with previous months. As a consequence, level 4 (the highest) COVID restrictions have been implemented in Seoul and are now being extended to other regions of South Korea. This situation imposes many restraints on businesses and Taekwon-Do operations around the world. Our Federation has been assessing the situation and looking for measures that can help our members reduce the costs and save money. These days, one of the highest contributors to costs is the postal fee. To avoid it, we are moving forward with digital versions of membership and certificates that can be sent to members directly, avoiding the pandemic postage fee.
Also, this month, our great friend and pioneer Grand Master Park Jong Soo, had a significant 80th birthday. On behalf of ITF HQ, I sent him a video birthday message and wished him great health and happiness. Our representative of Australia and the Oceania region, Grand Master Peter Wong, was awarded a Grand Master title after many years of his dedication and service to Taekwon-Do. We are proud to have such legends who have been supporting and promoting the art of General Choi Hing Hi.
I hope that despite the difficulties, mostly related to the pandemic, we keep motivating our members to be active and practice Taekwon-Do utilizing all available means.
Stay safe and healthy. Take care of Taekwon-Do!
태권 Oh Chang Jin – ITF HQ President
Funeral of Grandmaster Hwang Chae Pok

With a great sadness we announce that on the 27 July 2021 Grandmaster Hwang Chae Pok was buried in his hometown Dusseldorf in Germany. Grandmaster Hwang had several serious operations while he was in hospital, and this took all his strength. Luckily, I visited him again on his final day in the hospital. I was able to see him for the last time. I played the Korean song, Arirang, for him on my phone and I could tell that his life would soon be over. That night he closed his eyes forever.
Today at the funeral several Korean friends and family members attended. Because of COVID restrictions the ceremony was limited to 30 persons only. It was a beautiful and respectful ceremony. At the end we buried his ashes and said goodbye with tears in our eyes. But it was ok. He was at his rest now. We will never forget him. Some years ago I set up a Facebookpage for him (chaepok hwang). If you want to say goodbye, I am sure his daughter would be honoured by your reactions. [By Grand Master Peter Sanders]
ITF HQ is Going Digital

The pandemic has not only influenced the ability and means of training Taekwon-Do but also affected the administrative work and how ITF HQ administration can assist its members. Unfortunately, the postage fees have risen, and in order to post registered and tracked items, we use EMS who charge a premium fee during the pandemic.
This situation has not only affected our members who have to add extra $$ to their fees, but also made the administrative work more difficult. In many instances we post certificates and memberships to our members, pay the postage fee but it takes a few days or even a week to get the tracking numbers. The reason for this is that the Korean postal service during the pandemic uses subcontractors that operate depending on the COVID status in the particular country or region. They provide us with the tracking number when they contact the available subcontractor. We have been able to follow and handle this situation successfully, but there is so much additional work behind the scenes adding an extra burden to our already reduced capacity due to the COVID situation.
In order to deal with this problem and since digitization is investable in the nearest future, ITF HQ is planning to provide a better and more effective service by going digital. This will allow our members to have access to more information, better and faster communication, and avoid postage fees when applying for membership certificates or other documents. We will continue providing certification in a form of hard copies for those members who will wish to receive physical documents and are prepared to pay the postal fee.
Revision of ITF HQ Managerial Positions

ITF HQ has been conducting a review of all managerial positions, reports and progress that have been presented over the last 3 years by our federation. In light of the review now is the time when all members of our federation who have professional skills in some areas and are willing to make a difference are encouraged to apply for a role.
The job specifications for managerial positions can be found on our website []. The best applicants will be chosen for the jobs. In general, the applicants must have experience and qualifications in the applied areas. They must be members of our federation but they do not need to hold a high rank in Taekwon-Do. We are placing the emphasis on professionalism and qualification to assure we can get the job done.
Interested applicants please contact our head office via email [] for more details or if you have any questions. The deadline for applications ends on the 1 September 2021.
Congratulation to Grand Master Peter Wong

It is with great pleasure we announce the promotion of Master Peter Wong from Australia to Grand Master on the 7th of July 2021. This also coincided with Grand Master Wong’s birthday. Thank you very much for your contribution throughout the years to the legacy of General Choi Hong Hi. Grand Master Peter Wong celebrated his ITF Taekwon-Do Golden Anniversary and ITF HQ Korea promotion to 9th Dan with a special training session with his Taekwon-Do/Kidokwan members on Saturday 17th July at Riverton, Western Australia. He wishes to thank his family, instructors, students, friends and supporters who made this milestone possible. We are looking forward to the future promotion and expansion of the art of General Choi in Australia and Oceania, the region which Grand Master Wong represents on behalf of the ITF HQ.

On behalf of ITF HQ and the Council of Masters, Master Colin Wee Chairman of International Alliance of Martial Arts Schools IAOMAS presented Grand Master Peter Wong his 9th Dan Certificate and Citation in the presence of a gathering of some of Western Australia’s leading and dedicated Martial Arts Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors on 24th July. On this memorable presentation, GM Wong was humbled and honored to be in the presence of fellow Martial Artists of many different disciplines who value and practice the Martial Arts Spirit and Philosophy of RESPECT, ETHICS, INTEGRITY, JUSTICE, COURAGE, TEMPERANCE, WISDOM AND BENEVOLENCE. Huge THANK YOU to Master Colin Wee and Emmeline for hosting this special day.

ITF HQ Umpire Trainers Required

The ITF HQ Umpire committee is looking for expressions of interest from experienced Umpires who have skills in teaching, to run Umpire courses for the ITF HQ in their region. Selected Umpires will initially be required to complete the online ITF HQ competition rules quiz (found on the ITF HQ website) and then participate in an online training course with the Chair of the Umpire Committee to ensure they have the resources and skills to offer Umpire courses in all competition disciplines that ITF HQ championships offer. Successful candidates will become part of the ITF HQ Umpire Committee and will be able to offer umpire accreditation through courses they run on behalf of the committee and will be compensated through the running of these courses. Successful completion of the Umpire training course will confer either “Expert” (4th degree or above) or “Associate” (3rd degree or lower) status to participants since they will be the premier Umpires within ITF HQ and will become part of the Senior Umpire team expected to assist in the running of major events such as World Championships. The training courses will be in small groups in specific time zones that will be arranged by mutual agreement with the Chair of the ITF HQ Umpire Committee. To avail yourself of this opportunity please contact Master Steve Weston (Chair of the Umpire Committee) via his e-mail, providing your details and time zone, and he will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your participation.
ITF HQ Panamericana Page is Up and Running

It is great news that the ITF HQ Panamericana webpage is up and running. The address of the page is The project was carried out by members of Chile HQ and Uruguay HQ. The new webpage includes news, events and is linked with ITF HQ website as well as other social media platforms. You are welcome to visit the page following the link above.
Martial Arts Hall of Fame National Camp – USA

Master Michael Munyon, ITF HQ North America North America Regional Director and President of ITF HQ-USA taught a Taekwon-Do workshop on 3 Step Sparring and Kick Defense at the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame National Camp in Springdale, Arkansas. Approximately 100 attendees participated in this training and were amazed at the arsenal of defenses against kicks Master Munyon shared with them. This was Master Munyon’s second time as a special guest instructor at this prestigious martial arts national camp.
Seminar with Master Michael Thompson
Master Michael Thompson VIII conducted a seminar for Master John Kirkwood VII and his students. Master Thompson covered patterns before moving onto pad work and bag work to explore the theory of power.
Master Kirkwood said “Master Thompson is old School and a true pioneer of Taekwon-Do in Scotland, his knowledge and skills are on a different level. Everyone left hot and sweaty, but with lots of smiles having learnt a lot.
Master Thompson usually teaches at Grand Master Sutherland’s Martial Arts but is available for seminars.


Rings have been used throughout history and seem to be a universally understood symbol that carries respect, high esteem, whether that be wealth or power in spite of what the particular symbol or meaning might be. Rings have more symbolism in some cultures than others. Some cultures may have certain classes of people who wear rings while others do not. Another use of rings is to signify the fact that one belongs to a certain group or fraternity. In order to honor the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi, ITF HQ Korea has introduced rings analogous to the one worn by the founder, as an optional part of the ITF Dan certification system. Four individually designed ring types will be available for ITF practitioners, Instructors, Masters and Grandmasters (I – IX Dan) who are ITF HQ Korea members or mentors. Rings are also available for non-ITF HQ members. The recent “Ring” promotion has resulted in a number of applications and since the rings are hand made by a small merchant, the waiting time may even be a month. Therefore, we ask that you please be patient and we will update every single applicant with a time frame for production and delivery. For those who would like to order an ITF HQ ring please do it online following the link: The price is $250 USD for ITF HQ members + postage and $350 USD + postage for non-members.
Job Opportunity in Korea after COVID-19 Recovery – Expression of Interest.

Teaching Taekwon-Do in English in South Korea.
The International Taekwon-Do Federation Headquarters in Korea is looking for young, energetic and experienced Taekwon-Do instructors (males or females), who are native English speakers and would like to come to Korea and test their teaching skills utilizing a Taekwon-Do curriculum and a specially designed English language program. The essential criteria are: 1/ being a native English speaker, 2/ a minimum 1 Dan in Taekwon-Do ITF, 3/ experience in conducting classes for children and teenagers.
For more information, please contact via email: The position(s) will be available as soon as the government regulation allow group activities to be conducted and COVID-19 restrictions eased.
Get Yourself and Your Members in Print

If you’re an ITF HQ member and have news, updates or events you’d like to have published in our newsletter please send us a brief (1 paragraph) submission with photos to Please note your club news should stay within your club but anything else, we’d love to share with the Taekwon-Do community. You’ve worked hard to build your club and your students. Let ITF HQ help recognize your outstanding accomplishments along with your members.