Korea The Homeland of Taekwon-Do

Dear Taekwon-Do Practitioners and Friends,
Greeting from Korea, and I hope that in spite of the difficulties related to the pandemic you are still motivated and excited about Taekwon-Do and ITF Training
I am happy to see that more and more countries are slowly restarting Taekwon-Do events and training in person.
Our Federation has conducted it’s first face to face IIC in Puerto Rico, conducted by Grand Master Vega. Master Munyon, North American regional director together with Master Gordon, have conducted “first responders training” for over 25 participants which was conducted in person. More such events have been planned next month, such as the seminar in the Netherlands conducted by Grand Master Vasilis Alexandris, our newly appointed technical director.
Here in Korea, with 80% of the population planned to be fully vaccinated against COVID19 by the end of October, things have started easing too. We have been discussing four Tul Tour programs in the first half of 2022 with various teams from around the world, with the first program to kick off in the middle of March.
There are new projects in the works that will help members who have suffered from stress and sexual abuse, using techniques from Taekwon-Do. Details will be announced soon. Also our newsletter has been revamped, and aims to be more attractive and reader friendly due to the efforts of our new editorial team. All these changes are very exciting, and I hope that you also share such excitement with your training and dedication.
Stay Safe, be smart, and never lose the desire to train Taekwon-Do, There is a reason why General Choi listed “indomitable spirit” as one of the five tenets of Taekwon-Do. In times like this, it is important to remember and cultivate this tenet.
Stay safe and take care of Taekwon-Do!
Oh Chang Jin
ITF HQ President

It is a great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Mr. Luke Danskin as chairman of Marketing committee of ITF HQ. Mr. Luke Danskin (4th degree} started training in May 2002. He graded to 1st degree in 2007 and 2nd degree under First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha. Shortly after, he began training with Grand Master Sutherland achieving 3rd degree in 2013 and 4th degree in 2018. Mr Danskin teaches at Grand Master Sutherlands Martial Arts Academy under head instructor Mr
Raymond Kaczmarek V and the guidance of Master Thompson VIII. Mr Danskin worked extensively with Grand Master Sutherland on the marketing and promotion of Taekwon-Do related activities. He also has worked extensively in his private life with marketing and advertising events and individuals. He also has a BSc (Hons} in psychology and is currently studying
MSc in Psychology, with future aims of achieving PhD in this field.

As the editorial team, we are always working on improving the communication with our members. To this end, we have decided to improve the look and feel of the newsletter. We have expanded our team to welcome Mr Muhammad Zaidi as Editor-Designer.
Mr. Muhammad Zaidi Surati (6th Degree, Malaysia} is the chief organizer of 1st ITF HQ Asian Tournament Championship. He is the main contact person for ITF HQ Malaysia and is also the consultant for their national tournament. His experience in advertising spans more than 25 years, and has helped him in his role as the main designer in advertisement and merchandise for Malaysian tournaments. Mr. Surati speaks Malay, English and Chinese fluently.

After 2 years of lockdown, it looks like we will finally be able to slowly get back to normalized life and training. In light of high
vaccination rates in Korea and falling COVID numbers, it is thrilling for Master Gerhard Brunner to plan a new Tul Tour program with his team from Tampa, Florida, USA. It will be the third time that Master Brunner will bring his team of about 40 members to Korea for the program.
The previous experiences were so positive and informative that Master Brunner has decided to bring his students to Korea once
again. During the 8 day/7 night program, participants will travel to locations associated with such Korean significant figures as Dan Gun, Do San, Won Hyo, Joon Gun, Toi Gye, Choong Moo and Tong II. The participants will take part in activities such as the change of guard ceremony, travel in the Searak mountains, the most beautiful mountains in Korea, taste the best Korean food including famous Andong chicken, practice Sun Moo Do, a temple martial art, and more. The program is planned between 13-20 March 2022 and it is open to anybody who would like to join Master Brunner’s team.

ITF HQ Netherlands is proud to present an International Seminar by Grand Master Vasilis Alexandris, in Amsterdam on the 20th and 21st November 2021.
Grand Master Alexandris started Taekwon-Do to 1972 under the guidance of Stefanos Gaidartzakis. In May 1975, he participated in the first Pan-European ITF Tournament in Stuttgart, Germany, organized by Master Kim Kwang II. In the same year, he took his 1st Dan exam in Rome, Italy, under Master Park San Jae (7th Dan). Very soon after, he founded his first club with his brother Alexandros Alexandris (1st Dan). In 1978 he was awarded his 2nd Dan by Masters Kim Kwang II, Song Sang Ho, Kwan Kum Sik and Chang Kwang Miung. He also served at the Parachute Special Forces as a Taekwon-Do Chief Instructor, where he taught the special forces the Art of TKD to high-ranking officers of the Greek and foreign army.
Over the years of his involvement in Taekwon-Do, he won numerous competitions, winning the Pan-European Championship (1980) and the European Championship (1982). He coached Hellas National team between 1995-2003.
Through the years, he progressed in rank, being awarded by both Grand Master Kwon Chae Hwa and General Choi Hong Hi. He has also held many managerial positions, including General Secretary and Chairman of the Technical Committee and President of ITF coaching association. In 2006, he was elected General Secretary and Chairman of the Technical Committee of HellenicTaekwon-Do Federation. GM Alexandris has conducted seminars in Greece and Italy, Great Britain,
Belgium, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Albania, Algeria, Serbia, Austria, Russia, Ireland, and Bulgaria.
As a chair of the Technical Committee, he strives to share his skills and knowledge to improve the technical standards of all genuine TaekwonDoists Grand Master Alexandris conducts an annual International Taekwon-Do Summer Camp in Greece, which is open to Taekwon-Do practitioners from all over the world and all federations.

We officially welcome to ITF HQ KOREA, CHILE, Busabum Nim Alberto Guajardo (Ill Dan), and all practitioners of their SERENA TIGRES academy. Busa bum Nim Alberto is a great tour instructor and whose experience, especially in the training Taekwon-Do, will strengthen our ITF. The Dojang TIGRES OF SERENA, is situated in the Commune of La Serena, IV Coquimbo Region, Chile, joining the V Region of Valparaiso, Metropolitan Region and VIII Lagos of ITF HQ KOREA. Welcome to our ITF HQ family!

It is our great pleasure to announce yet another in person event that will take place in Korea: 3-day IIC followed by a 4-day tul tour program. The event is a collaborative effort between Grand Master Paul Weiler, President of the International Taekwon-Do
Federation HQ(Spain) and Master Oh Chang Jin, President of International Taekwon-Do Federation HQ(Korea).
They have been discussing potential collaboration between the two organizations to organize events, programs and further
education of younger generations about Taekwon-Do’s founder, history and “Do”. Both delegations agreed that this collaboration would benefit the entire ITF community. An agreement of cooperation was reached on the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Taekwon-Do, in the form of an IIC, as well as the presentation of the Adapted TKD course, the Kids’ course, the Do course as well as a Tul Tour under the kind hospitality of ITF HQ Korea.
Both Grand Master Weiler and Master Oh expressed their confidence that a successful and fruitful first collaboration would pave the way for the parties to discuss and hopefully sign an MOU to further strengthen and enhance the relations between the organizations. We welcome practitioners from all around the world to Korea. The event is open to members of both organizations and the details how to apply and participate will be available very soon.

For a while now, Master Michael Munyon and Mrs. Munyon had noticed a need for first responders to have training and equipment that they need to save lives. To help with this, Master Munyon teamed up with the Tawas Area Fire Chief to organize a
self-defense course and raise funds for the Tawas Fire Department Rescue/Dive Team. Approximately 25 attendees learned self-defense training in this course. A letter of appreciation was presented to Master Munyon for his efforts. When asked
why he volunteered to do this, Master Munyon said “General Choi Hong Hi, the Founder ofTaekwon-Do, stated that under Moral Culturing, we must participate in Public Service. I was simply helping my community by doing what the founder of Taekwon-Do told us to do.”
From the desk of Master Munyon

Everyone should have some type of business plan to track progress with their martial arts. I have attended many martial arts business seminars, read books, and have spoken with mentors on how to run a business successfully. Simply being open and expecting students to flock into your dojang simply isn’t realistic. The two most difficult parts of owning a martial arts school are recruitment and retention. With regards to recruiting, one should encourage the W.A.R. (We Are Recruiters) mindset with your current students. Having friends and family in the dojang can make the experience more fun. So, giving your students a part to play in recruitment is not only important for growth, but also lets students feel a sense ofownership with the dojang. With regards to retention, you must think outside of the box. Teaching just Taekwon-Do might not always be enough. A world famous Korean martial arts Grandmaster once told me that a martial arts program should be like a college degree: one must have both a major and a minor. Simply put, you might need to have a secondary program alongside the main business of Taekwon-Do. This could be kickboxing, HapKiDo, Krav Maga or something related to safety and security. As a business owner, you must maximize every recourse you have to make big profits. We all know that martial arts training helps make good people. Good people help make good communities. Let’s work together to keep our dojangs strong financially so that we can help create good communities.

ITF HQ Uruguay invites everyone to be part of this historic moment: the 1st ITF HQ TOURNAMENT.

ITF HQ Africa is proud to announce their new logo. The colors represent Africa – green, yellow and red are the flags of all African countries. The International Taekwondo Federation is written in black to indicate that we are a black people. Blue is a symbol of hope and light.


The Purple Belt Martial Art Scholarship Fund is a Scholarship Fund that will see Men, Women and Youth, receive 12 months of free Training within any Martial Art School, Dojang or Organization regionally and globally. It will assist in uniforms, grading fees, merchandise, and membership for one year. The Scholar will be treated the same as any other student, with the consistency and perseverance in class as every other participant. This will teach the individual Discipline, Self-Control, and a wide range of different tools to improve mental health, safety, and well-being. The number one rule in self defense is to protect yourself from harm if your life is in danger. Martial Arts is a form of self defense discipline, that will protect an individual in emergency situations. Together we can start to reform the cycle of abuse and work together to encourage positive outcomes in someone’s life, their decisions whilst upholding their integrity and dignity.
We work as one. We hope all organisations, schools and dojangs will take on this initiative and help support men, women and youth in their community.”
Theodora Sullivan (Founder/ Managing Director)

Rings have been used throughout history and seem to be a universally understood and exclusive symbol that carries respect, and high esteem, whether wealth or power. In some cultures, rings are the symbol of belonging to a group or fraternity. To honour the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi, ITF HQ Korea has introduced rings analogous to the one worn by the founder as an optional part of the ITF Dan certification system.
Four individually designed ring types will be available for ITF practitioners, Instructors, Masters and Grandmasters {I – IX Dan) who are ITF HQ Korea members or mentors. Rings are also available for non-lTF HQ members. The recent “Ring” promotion has resulted in a flurry of applications, and since the rings are hand made by a small merchant, the waiting time may be up to a month. Therefore, we ask for your patience, and we will update every single applicant with a time frame for production and delivery.
For those who would like to order an ITF HQ ring, please do it on line following the link: https://www.itfofficial.org/ring-form/
The price is $250 USD for ITF HQ members+ postage and $350 USD + postage for non-members.

Teaching Taekwon-Do in English in South Korea. The International Taekwon-Do Federation Headquarters in Korea is looking for
young, energetic, and experienced Taekwon-Do instructors {males or females), who are native English speakers, and would like to come to Korea and test their teaching skills utilizing a Taekwon-Do curriculum and a specially designed English language program. The essential criteria are:
1: Being a native English speaker
2: A minimum 1st Dan in Taekwon-Do ITF
3: Experience in conducting classes for children and teenagers
For more information, please contact via email: korea@itfmail.org. The position{s) will be available as soon as the government regulation allows group activities to be conducted and COVID-19 restrictions eased.

If you’re an ITF HQ member and have news, updates, or events you would like to have published in our newsletter; please send us a brief (1-2 paragraph) submission with photos to korea@itfmail.org. Please note that your club news should stay within your
club, but we would love to share it with the Taekwon-Do community for anything else. You have worked hard to build your club and your students. Let ITF HQ help recognize your outstanding accomplishments along with your members!