Our Programs
International Instructors Course
This course is usually a 20 hour course and consists of the training necessary to become an Internationally recognised ITF HQ Instructor. The International Instructor/Examiner qualification is only available to 4th Degree black belts and above and entitles them to examine candidates up to a certain rank dependent on the rank of the examiner. The course may also be utilised by candidates at a lower rank than 4th degree as a training tool to learn how to teach students and prepare them for examination.
The course generally consists of the teaching of Fundamental movements, TUL (patterns), step sparring, self defence and the biomechanics of Taekwon-Do. It is taught by the Technical committee of ITF HQ and is the premier teaching and training tool of ITF HQ Korea. It has an accreditation tool at the end of the course to assess candidates for International Instructor/Examiner status.

For MastersÂ
Certificated Taekwon-Do Masters who are members of ITF Headquarters Korea are allowed to organize an International Instructor course as a sanctioned event upon previous approval from the HQ. To gain approval for an IIC course Masters should contact ITF HQ Administration on Korea@itfmail.org.
For PractitionersÂ
If you want to participate in the international course organized by the ITF Headquarters Korea, please search our events calendar. If there is no current course in your country, you can contact ITF HQ administration on Korea@itfmail.org
Note: This Course provides International Instructor/Examiner status to successful candidates who hold the rank of 4th degree or above ! All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the course.
Master Class
These ITF HQ sanctioned classes are taught by recognised Master Instructors and may cover a wide range of topics and skills. All are certified and may give credit towards an individuals next grading examination. Specific topics such as Biomechanics in Taekwon-Do, step sparring skills, kicking skills etc. may be covered in these classes. Dependent on the needs of the hosting organisation such courses may be held over one or two days and involve both physical and theoretical aspects.

For MastersÂ
Certificated Taekwon-Do Masters who are members of ITF Headquarters Korea are allowed to organize an International Instructor course as a sanctioned event upon previous approval from the HQ. To gain approval for an IIC course Masters should contact ITF HQ Administration on Korea@itfmail.org.
For PractitionersÂ
If you want to participate in the international course organized by the ITF Headquarters Korea, please search our events calendar. If there is no current course in your country, you can contact ITF HQ administration on Korea@itfmail.org
Note: This Course provides International Instructor/Examiner status to successful candidates who hold the rank of 4th degree or above ! All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the course.
Tul tour is the exclusive Taekwon-Do training program in South Korea

These Tours work in conjunction with ITF HQ and take groups to the historical and cultural locations in South Korea that are related to specific individuals or historical event associated with the Tul (patterns) of Taekwon-Do. Each program can be customized for your own group for 6-10 days in duration with personal consulting and incentives for the group leader. The program can be developed using our experienced instructors or by utilising the groups senior instructors who will be provided with the necessary resources to present the program at each location. If your group requires Visas to enter Korea, we will provide detailed instructions on how to achieve them and support the applications where possible.
If you wish to use our instructors we will provide a welcoming teaching environment and positive attitude. We have respect and show enthusiasm when teaching. We have imaginative ways to present the Taekwon-do curriculum that make it fun and memorable for the students.
Culture Enlightening
These epic programs take its participants to the historic places that inspired General Choi to create the Tuls. The participants can feel the spirit of the Korean ancestors and become enriched by practicing tuls amongst the beautiful Korean scenery.
Contact us to let us know your specific requirements and our team will provide the best recommendations for your program or just simply request more information.
Join us in South Korea and begin your Taekwon-Do journey in it’s homeland! You can find out more about the TUL TOUR program by visiting the web site or by contacting us at Korea@itfmail.org or visit our facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/tultouritf/?fref=ts
ITF HQ can now offer short courses to train instructors and assistant instructors at our centre of excellence in Sejong City, South Korea. This purpose built facility allows us to offer training for individual or groups of instructors or potential instructors on methods of teaching, technical skills, leadership ability and many other programs as requested by our members. These courses are provided after consultation with administration at ITF HQ and may be fully integrated so they include accommodation and transportation from arrival in Korea.
Visit the Tul Tour Website Today
Tigers LSE program in Korea and ITF HQ
 This children’s life skills course is a sanctioned program that utilises a format of themes to teach life skills through fun activities such as games while maintaining a level of motivation and discipline. It is offered in many countries in the world and is rapidly expanding.
It will be part of the ITF HQ Korea education system offered to children between the age of 2 and 6. The Tiger in Korea is a symbol of the Korean people and Korean culture. It is regarded as a guardian against evil spirits and a sacred creature that brings good luck. It is also a symbol of courage and absolute power. Therefore, we can say with confidence that this program will not only contribute to the greater development of children in Korea and around the world, but will also promote the spirit of Korea and Taekwon-Do.

The Amerikick program teaches English Language skills through Martial arts and Edu-tainment. It is based primarily at the ITF HQ centre of Excellence in Sejong City-South Korea. It offers a Timmy Tigers course, an English through Activity and Martial Arts program, a womens empowerment and self protection course and the moosin in-fighter club.

Camp Moosin
Camp Moosin is a bi-annual camp that is sanctioned by ITF HQ and provides the opportunity for children, youth and their families to come to Korea to engage in a variety of martial arts and cultural activities. The organisers provide all of the necessary accommodation, transportation and activities using highly respected instructors and coaches. Activities included may range from martial arts such as Taekwon-Do to archery, pottery and calligraphy. Participants gain an understanding of Korean culture and interact with their peer group of Korean nationals during the camp. To find out when the next Camp Moosin will be held go to our events calendar or contact us on korea@itfmail.org
Mentorship Program
Mentors are assigned to new ITF HQ members who wish to become more conversant with ITF Taekwon-Do technique. These mentors assist the transitioning members to adopt the techniques prescribed by the technical committee so that the standards of ITF HQ are applied and maintained.