+82-70-4024-9555 korea@itfmail.org

Tul Tour

Training and Cultural Experience in the Homeland of Taekwon-Do, open to all Taekwon-Do affiliations and options for Colours belts through to Master

ITF HQ Korea

ITF HQ are the only recognized ITF Taekwon in the Homeland of Taekwon-Do

ITF Ring

A distinctive and revolutionary masterpiece from the Homeland of Taekwon-Do

The International Taekwon-Do Federation is an international Taekwon-Do Body that provides services for Taekwon-Do practitioners including membership, accreditation training and information. We provide you with the latest Taekwon-Do news straight from the Homeland of Taekwon-Do.

One Spirit, One Force, One ITF in the Homeland of Taekwon-Do


Join as an Individual or Group all the information you need on the links below

A Journey of Courage Front Page art

The Journey of Courage

A short story by Grand Master Peter Sanders

ITF HQ Latest News

ITF HQ Newsletter November 2021

ITF HQ Newsletter November 2021

ITF HQ November 2021 Newsletter available in English & Spanish.

Dear Taekwon-Do Practitioners and Friends,
This month we paid respect to the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi, on the occasion of his 103rd birthday. Anniversaries such as these always initiate reflections about the art that the General created, and where we are now as its practitioners. Has his dream been fulfilled by his disciples?

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GM Vasilis Seminar Sponsor

GM Vasilis Seminar Sponsor

ITF HQ would like to thank F=m.a sprl from Belgium for there sponsorship of the GM Vasilis Seminar in Amsterdam Holland this weekend. Emmanuel Fantacci is a Security Governance / Cyber Security Consultant (Freelance) from Belgum. More information can be found at the...

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ITF HQ Newsletter November 2021

ITF HQ Newsletter October 2021

korea@itfmail.org +82-70-4024-9555 Korea The Homeland of Taekwon-Do Dear Taekwon-Do Practitioners and Friends, Greeting from Korea, and I hope that in spite of the difficulties related to the pandemic you are still motivated and excited about Taekwon-Do and ITF...

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Multilingual Posts

Multilingual Posts

ITF HQ are delighted to announce the Newsletter and where possible new News stories or items will now be published in different languages. To begin with our latest ITF HQ Newsletter is now and moving forward available in both English and Spanish. We will look to...

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Grand Master Vasilis Tour – Amsterdam

Grand Master Vasilis Tour – Amsterdam

4th to 1st Kup November 20th, 10am to 12:30pmPrice 35 EurosBlack Belts November 21st, 10am to 4pmPrice 1st & 2nd Degree 120 Euro, 3rd Degree and above 135 Euro Venue Ravenswaaipad 51106 AW AmsterdamNetherlands Contact seminars@itfofficial.org for more information...

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ITF HQ Newsletter November 2021

ITF HQ Newsletter August 2021

From the Office of the President  Dear Taekwon-Do Practitioners and Friends,        This month delivered us another sad passing to our Taekwon-Do community as another leading pioneer, Grand Master Kim Bok Man passed away. We know...

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ITF HQ Newsletter November 2021

ITF HQ Newsletter July 2021

From the Office of the President  Dear Taekwon-Do Practitioners and Friends,        July was full of both, sad and happy news and events. We lost a great friend and Taekwondo pioneer, Grandmaster Hwang Chae Pok. He passed away...

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Questions?  Call us and we will help you!

International Taekwon-Do Federation
Centre of Excellence (training Center),
Sejong City
Saeromjungang-ro 34
CRE’SMAS B/D 622 ho
Republic of Korea 30127

Tel: +82-70-4024-9555 Fax: +82-70-4024-9555
email : korea@itfmail.org